MARINE SECURITY ADVISORY – 02/2023 (This Advisory supersedes Marine Security Advisory 01/2018) Subject: U.S. [...]
On 31 October 2022, the IMO updated its “List of National Operational Contact Points Responsible [...]
In November 2020, MEPC 75 introduced EEXI and CII, marking a new era towards GHG [...]
The Taiwanese Coast Guard and National Airborne Service Corps are searching for 12 missing crewmembers [...]
Why is mooring a topic that deserves high attention? Mooring and unmooring is one of [...]
Paris, Tokyo, Indian Ocean and Black Sea MoU will jointly launch a new Concentrated Inspection [...]
The 103rd session of IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) met in remote session from 5 [...]
Mới đây, Cơ quan An toàn hàng hải thành phố Shanghai của Trung Quốc (Shanghai [...]